Privacy Policy

We care about your privacy. We want to tell you in detail about the policies and practices which we have adopted to protect your privacy so that you can feel confident about how we handle the personally identifiable information ('personal information') you entrust to us, and understand how we manage your personal information to offer you the best possible products, services and experiences. The server(s) that make(s) this site available, and databases where information may be stored, may be located outside the country from which you accessed this site, in a country that does not have the same privacy laws as your country of residence. The personal information made available to us may, therefore, be transmitted abroad, but we will collect, process and use personal information only in accordance with this Policy. By visiting this site and submitting information, you consent to such collection, processing, transfer and/or storage of your personal information.

While we do not intend to make changes to our policies very often, it is always a good idea to double check when you visit our site to be sure that you have read and agree with our most current policy statement. We will not make any changes that have retroactive effect unless legally required to do so.
The content on our sites may include, among other items of interest, entertainment, games, recipes, surveys, sweepstakes, and contests, and may also include advertising and opportunities to shop online. We may also provide information on our company and our products, and may also offer opportunities to apply for employment or create an employment profile and obtain information about job vacancies. We hope that you enjoy our site and will come back often to visit!

Please take a moment to review our policy in detail. To assist you, we offer this short summary.

We use your personal information to fulfill your requests and serve you better. We do not share your personal details with outside third parties without your consent.
We will only send you materials you have indicated you want to receive according to your preferences, and we will honor your opt-out requests.
We use cookies and web beacons to help us understand the features that apply to visitors, provide better functionality, offer you personalized content, and manage registrations or access to certain features.
We adopt careful procedures to protect your personal information, and use special care to protect credit card data you give us when you shop online, in the event that online shopping is offered at the site.
We do reserve the right to use or disclose your personal information in certain circumstances, such as to satisfy a legal request or protect our property, or as otherwise allowed or required by law.
When do we collect personal information?

We collect personal information, such as names, addresses, e-mail addresses, hobby or activity information, demographic information (age, gender, etc.), employment and job preferences, taste or other preference information, and the like, when voluntarily submitted by a visitor. Visitors may choose to submit personal information online to enter contests, to obtain information or submit a comment, to register for a loyalty program or chat room, or to place an order. We may also obtain contact lists, demographic, and other information from other sources. For the convenience of our customers and to better serve you, we combine the data. You can update or correct your contact information or change your preferences about receiving offers and information from us at any time.

Our websites are primarily designed and intended for adults, and where brand-appropriate, teens. We may ask visitors to enter a birthdate to restrict those who are underage from accessing certain sites, areas or features. If we learn we are dealing with a child (as defined by local law), we may ask for the e-mail address of a parent and make an effort to contact them to determine if the child has permission to provide information to us. For more information please review our Special Note to Parents.

What do we do with your personal information?

You may choose whether to submit personal information. In some cases, personal information is required to enable your participation in certain features. We collect personally identifiable information to enter you in contests and notify you of results, to e-mail you with updates and news, to respond to your questions or comments, to register you for certain features, to send you updates when job vacancies that fit your profile arise (in the event that you submit your resume), to provide personalized content, information, and/or to send out brochures, coupons, samples, offers and other information on our products or our company. We ask visitors providing e-mail addresses to let us know if they would like further information or updates from us or our site; only those who request it will receive follow-up e-mail or other communications from us. We may also ask if you would like to receive information about other products available from members of our family of companies. Only those who expressly ask to receive such information online will get it. If we are not sure of your preferences we may ask you about them. We also offer visitors an "opt-out" option at any time they wish to cease receiving e-mails or other information from us.

Sometimes our brands will make offers, coupons and information, including catalogues, available to you via mail. For example, when customers place an online order in our catalogue stores or sign up for one of our catalogues online we may add them to the list to receive that catalogue. We may also use lists we have received from third parties or public sources to send you this information, and, as is routinely done in the catalogue business, may exchange names and addresses (but not e-mail addresses absent consent) of our catalogue customers with other catalogue companies who may also contact you by mail. You may "opt-out" of receiving offline communications from our brands at any time.

As is customary in many businesses, we may purchase and use opt-in e-mail lists to contact potential customers. We will honor opt-out requests and ask those providing lists to give us assurances that e-mail contact information is provided only for those consumers who have expressed a desire to receive offers and information by e-mail.

Personal information is used solely by us, and our employees, affiliates, agents or business partners who help make this site, its content, and the products and services at this site, available to you in order to respond to your requests (like fulfilling online shopping orders or offering a sweepstakes or promotion), and to better serve you, consistent with this policy. Individuals handling personal information are trained in appropriate procedures. Our agents and service providers are required to keep your personal information confidential and not use it for any purpose other than to perform specified services for us. Data may be shared or combined between current or future affiliates, subsidiaries or other related entities of our company to enhance efficiency and minimize duplication of contacts with you. In addition, we may occasionally ask you if we may share information with other trusted third parties. We will let you know at the time the information is collected if such third-party sharing is anticipated, will identify the types of businesses at the area of collection, will describe the information we will share (like your mail or e-mail address) and will only share data if you agree. We will share personal data only with those who have agreed to follow careful policies.

How do we use "cookies" and Web beacons?

What are cookies?

"Cookies" are data files that a Web site sends to your computer while you are viewing the site. These data files include information that allows our site to remember important information that will make your use of the site more efficient and useful to you. Our sites use cookies for a variety of purposes. We use cookie technology and IP addresses to obtain non-personal information from online visitors, and also to provide registered visitors with the best possible personalized online experience.

How do we use cookies?

Visitors to our sites use different web browsers and different computers. To make your visits as easy as possible with the technology you use, we automatically keep track of the type of browser (e.g., Internet Explorer, Netscape) and operating system (e.g., Windows, Macintosh) used by a visitor, and the domain name of the visitor's Internet service provider. We also track the total number of visitors to our site in an aggregate form to allow us to update and improve our site; personally identifiable information is not extracted in this process. This data tells us if more visitors prefer certain features or areas to others, which helps us keep our site fresh and interesting to the majority of our visitors. We also use cookies to help prevent children from entering certain areas or features intended only for adults or teens.

How do we use cookies to personalize your experience at our sites?

Cookie technology helps us deliver content tailored to a visitor's interests, and allows us to make ordering products, entering and participating in sweepstakes and contests, and offering other functions at our site easier for our visitors. Sites that offer online shopping use cookies to remember and process the items in your shopping cart. Where permitted, we may associate personal information with a cookie file in such instances.

What if you don´t want cookies?

If you don't want cookies, you can set your computer to warn you each time a cookie is being sent or turn off all cookies through your browser (e.g., Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator). (Check your browser HELP menu to learn the correct way to change or update your cookies.).

What are Web beacons and how do we use them?

Some of our Web pages and e-mail updates may contain electronic images called Web beacons, sometimes known as one pixel GIFs, clear GIFs or pixel tags. On Web sites, these allow us to count visitors who have viewed our pages. In promotional e-mail messages/newsletters they allow us to count how many subscribers have read them. Web beacons allow us to develop statistical information about the activities and features that most interest our consumers for the purpose of providing more personalized content. They are not used to access personally identifiable information without your consent.

What about chat rooms, message boards, or other interactive forums?

We may offer chat rooms, message or bulletin boards, or interactive areas where visitors may post comments or information for our visitors' enjoyment. If there is a chat room, bulletin or message board, social networking opportunities or other interactive areas where personal information may be posted at this site, be sure to check posted rules before entering, as you will be bound by them as well as our General Terms and Conditions. Rules for participation in interactive features may establish age and other restrictions on participation. As you know, anything you post online is available for the world to see. We make no representations and undertake no obligations as to information you voluntarily post.

Is credit card / transaction information secure?

We care about the safety and security of your transaction. If online shopping is permitted at the site, we use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to communicate with your browser software when you order from us online and thereby provide us with credit card or similar information. SSL is the industry standard security protocol, which makes it extremely difficult for anyone else to intercept your credit card / transaction and order information that you send us when you submit your online order. Otherwise, the transmission of information to and from us is not encrypted or secure. We take precautions to safeguard your credit card data in our internal systems.

What do we do to safeguard personal information?

We have instituted safeguards to check that our internal procedures meet our high policy standards. We also use our best efforts to be sure that third parties who work with us as our agents to make this site and its contents available to you, and to fulfill your orders and requests, agree to protect personal information that they must access in order to serve our site and our visitors, and honor your preferences about contacts you receive.

What about links to other Web sites?

We may offer links to other sites outside the TripLabb properties. However, we try to link only with Web sites that share our values. You should always check the privacy policy of any linked Web site to understand their personal information collection practices, including how they may use cookies. We are not responsible for the content or information collection policies of sites operated by other companies. If you visit another site, you should review their privacy and other policies.


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